Power and Influence

https://vimeo.com/738579970 Power and influence are often used interchangeably, but are subtly different. This difference is worth understanding, particularly when talking about leadership. First, power is…

Leading and Managing Projects

What is a Project?​ To understand the challenges of leadership in the project context, let us first remind ourselves what makes projects different from business…

Differences between Leadership and Management

https://vimeo.com/738576588 Leadership means motivating others through the development of an inspiring, shared vision. Management is about the organisation of resources and coordination of activities to…

What do Managers do?

https://vimeo.com/738576422 We cannot consider the role of the leader without also considering the role of the manager. These roles frequently overlap, particularly in the project…


Let’s Review Here is a summary of the key learning points covered in this module: Leaders come from a range of backgrounds. Leadership is affected…

Personal Development

https://vimeo.com/738573277 As we’ve seen, there’s a lot that goes into being a good leader. Some people appear born with leadership capabilities, but we can all…

Leadership Activities

https://vimeo.com/738573017 How leaders spend their time will vary from one person to the next, and will be dictated by the needs of the organisation they…

Leadership Skills and Behaviours

Attributes​ Here are some of the attributes embodied by great leaders: Top of the list is communication; this can be written or verbal, to big…

What do Leaders look like?

Attributes of Great Leaders Let’s think about some great leaders. Pause the video for a few minutes and make a list of people you believe…

Leadership in the Project Context

Leadership in the Project Context Leadership in any environment can be complex and takes concerted effort to be successful. In the project context, we can…