Conditions for Team Success Every team is different, but there are a number of factors that most teams need to be met for them to be successful. First…

What is Teamwork? Teamwork is simply a group of people working in collaboration towards a common goal. Teams don’t come about by accident. Organisations choose to organise work…


Let’s Review Here is a summary of the key learning points covered in this module: Different situations call for different leadership styles. We can vary…

Blake & Mouton’s Managerial Grid Hersey and Blanchard aren’t the only dynamic duo in leadership research. The Managerial Grid (or Leadership Grid) was created by management theorists Robert Blake…

Hersey & Blanchard Situational Leadership Model Situational Leadership is an adaptive leadership style. This strategy encourages leaders to evaluate their team members and the situation and choose the leadership style…

Transactional vs Transformational Leadership Transactional leadership was first described by Max Weber, a German sociologist, in 1947. It was further developed by several researchers in the 1980s and…

McGregor Theory X + Y Management scientist Douglas McGregor defined two types of manager: Theory X and Theory Y. This theory can help us to understand motivation and our…

What is Situational Leadership?

Situational leadership Situational leadership means adapting your leadership style to each unique situation, task or team. Situational leadership explains why some leaders excel in certain situations…


Let’s Review Here is a summary of the key learning points covered in this module: The roles of leaders and managers often crossover, though they…