What is Negotiation?

https://vimeo.com/738606165 Negotiation is defined as a discussion which aims to reach an agreement. We can unpack that definition to explore what we mean by negotiation:…


Let’s Review Here is a summary of the key learning points covered in this module: Individuals choose to join teams, and have multiple expectations for…

Leading Remote Teams

https://vimeo.com/738598026 This final part of our discussion on leadership focuses on leading remote teams. A remote team is one whose members are not colocated. Instead,…

Tuckman’s Model of Team Development

What to Expect Throughout Tuckman’s Stages American psychologist Bruce Tuckman developed his Model for Team Development in 1965, though it is more commonly known by…

Team Building

https://vimeo.com/738595731 As noted earlier, teams don’t just come together by accident: organisations consciously assemble teams in order to complete tasks that are bigger than one…


Let’s Review Here is a summary of the key learning points covered in this module: We must take proactive steps to enable diversity in teams.…

Belbin’s Nine Team Roles

The Nine Belbin Team Roles British management researcher and consultant Meredith Belbin has built his career around his Team Roles model. The model defines nine…

Enabling Diversity

https://vimeo.com/738591428 As we learned earlier, there are nine ‘protected characteristics’ of diversity which are enshrined in law. However, these aren’t the only ways to think…

What is Diversity?

https://vimeo.com/738590205 We sometimes use the terms ‘diversity’, ‘equality’ and ‘inclusion’ interchangeably. The three terms, while related, are subtly different. Equality Equality means taking steps to…


Let’s Review Here is a summary of the key learning points covered in this module: Teamwork means a group of people collaborating to achieve a…