How to complete the course

Course Assessment All course modules have a short quiz or other activities to help you review and practice your learning. You can attempt these as…

Getting Started Welcome to the Stakeholder Management and Communications course. This is a self-directed learning programme designed to help you develop new skills at your own…

What’s Next? So, what’s next? There’s been a lot covered in this course. Only implement what you want to implement. Treat this course like a menu…

Let’s Review

Review of Learning Outcomes When we started the course, our objectives were to develop knowledge about the following points: Different methods to identify stakeholders. It is really…

Guidelines for Success In this topic, we will be looking at some guidelines for engaging and communicating with your stakeholders. 1. Recognise your Stakeholders Recognise who the…

What are the Problems?

What Prevents Good Stakeholder Engagement? In this topic, we will be focusing on problems that can negatively impact effective stakeholder engagement. So, what prevents good…

Why is Stakeholder Engagement Important?

Increase the Chance of Project Success In this section, we will reflect on why is stakeholder engagement important. We must remember that stakeholder engagement is…

Stakeholder Management Maturity

Capability Maturity Model A standard Capability Maturity Model (CMM) can be applied to many things. Typically, the CMM has 5 levels: Ad-Hoc Procedural – Repeatable…


content Explore All Options First Compromise can be a loss-win. We need to make sure that we have explored all options before agreeing to compromise.…

Dealing with Difficult Stakeholders

Notice the Warning Signs In this topic, we will discuss the methods to deal with difficult stakeholders. It is important to note the top warning…